Founder and CEO of Piazza Pooja Sankar



Founder and CEO of Piazza

         Founder and CEO of Piazza is Pooja Sankar, She was undergraduate in Computer Science class at IIT Kanpur (India). She created the first prototype of Piazza in 2009 during her first year at Stanford Graduate School of Business. 


Founder and CEO of Piazza

           By February 2010, Piazza was used by approximately 600 students. In January 2011, Piazza opened to all institutions. At the start service operated under the name 'Piazzza' in June 2011, the third 'z' was dropped from Piazza's name.

Founder and CEO of Piazza

 Piazza is designed to connect students. She started Piazza so every student can have that opportunity to learn from her classmates. Today, millions of students across thousands of campuses are using Piazza for their classes.


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